10 Back to School Tips for Your Child

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The start of any school year brings mixed emotions for many children. Fear and apprehension are common, as well as excitement and anticipation. Parents-this article is for your child. Although you are welcome to read on, please share this information with them.

1. Clean your room: Trying to get dressed and ready for your first day of a new school year is difficult if your room looks like a tornado came through.

2. Get organized: After that cleaning, organize your space. If you will be doing homework in your room, be sure you have a well-lit and organized place to work.

3. Go shopping: Talk to your parents about some new clothes, and ask about the family budget so you can plan what to buy.

4. Get school supplies: Don’t forget to get the school supply list; the sooner you take care of this, the better.

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5. Meet you teacher: Even if you have seen the teacher around the school, you probably haven’t had much interaction with him/her. Make an effort to go to the school and visit with them.

6. Know your surroundings: After meeting your teacher, take a tour of the school. Many times, teachers change rooms, sometimes even grades. This is good information to know beforehand.

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7. Get your clothes ready: The night before or earlier if you want, lay out the clothes you want to wear. Make sure everything is clean and that you have everything you need. Doing this the night before keeps you from having to rush around trying to find something to wear.

8. Make your lunch or have lunch money ready the night before: If you are taking your lunch on the first day, try to put things together the night before. This saves time and prevents some of the morning chaos.

9. Pack your backpack: Just like picking out clothes and making lunches the night before, packing your backpack saves time and helps you to feel more “put together.”

10. Ask for help: Your parents can be a valuable source of help and support if you are nervous about going back to school.

Now a note for parents: If this is your child’s first year of school or entering one of the early primary grades, or a new school, don’t let your apprehension show through. Children often gauge their own stress based on how they see adults reacting to situations. Your calm and assured attitude will help them keep their own anxiety in check.

by David McLeod

Owner School-Supply-List.com and Elementary School Teacher

David has been teaching elementary school in Central Texas for over 7 years and has over 15 years of experience in online education related websites and blogs.

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